Can Reflexology Help Weight Loss?

Put simply - yes - but it’s not a quick fix or a magic pill. It can help a weight loss plan that you may be on, but if you are not increasing your exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet then no amount of Reflexology is going to work. Using Reflexology (in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle) to help you stay on track by balancing the whole wellbeing of the body is where you will see the results. Just by reducing your stress and sleeping better will make a huge change - it might make you more likely to exercise, stick to a diet and stop you grabbing a quick (unhealthy) snack, and these are the two areas that have always had great results with Reflexology. Secondly, every person will have his or her own reasons, or triggers, that cause them to put on weight, and it’s important to identify these so they can be tackled and avoided. For me, it is stress - when I am stressed or worried, I...