Do You Like Change?

Do you like change? Do you always embrace it wholeheartedly? If you’re anything like me, the answer will usually be “No!” Change happens in every part of our lives, constantly. It is part of the way the Universe works and a necessary part of living - an inevitable, inexorable forward momentum. Change enables growth. Sometimes though, change is what we fear most in our lives - a change of career, a new routine, moving home or just growing old. Charles Darwin once famously said: “ It is not the strongest of the species that survives…it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” So, it seems that it is our ability or choice to ADAPT to this change that is the key, and it can result in one of two outcomes - stress or growth, depending on how we deal with it: Outcome 1: CHANGE = STRESS Sometimes change is imposed upon us and we have to try to adapt or cope. Sometimes w...