How Reflexology Could Help You Recover Quicker from Colds and Flu

As the weather turns colder and more damp, and the schools are back after the summer break, the good old cold and flu viruses are doing the rounds again - thriving on the fact that colder conditions dampen our immune response.  Recent research has shown that cold viruses actually thrive in cooler temperatures, and having a cold nose could increase your chances of becoming sick.  

See the Science Line Health Blog for more information about this study.


Reflexology has been found to be very effective when dealing with seasonal illnesses, and colds and flu are no exception.  The main symptoms - headaches, congested or tight chest, blocked sinuses, runny noses, sore throat, low energy levels, muscle aches, feeling hot and cold and having swollen glands in the neck - can all be helped.  


Reflexology could:

·      stimulate our immune system and boost our immune response so we can fight off these seasonal germs.  This will, in turn, help the swollen glands to reduce, as the infection is fought off.

·      balance and stimulate our respiratory systems (throat, tonsils, lungs, chest area) to get rid of excess mucus.  My experience is that it encourages me to cough a lot, which has been just as effective as taking an expensive expectorant and my lungs feel more open.

·      boost our feel-good hormones (such as endorphins, melatonin and serotonin) which act as natural pain-blockers, so those sore throats, muscle aches and headaches will feel much better.  In addition, melatonin encourages sleep and it is a strong antioxidant and ant-inflammatory, so this will also help those swollen glands, sore sinuses and headaches.

·      stimulate the facial sinuses to clear themselves of mucus, so your breathing will become easier.

·      encourage relaxation which will help you to get a good night’s sleep.  This is essential for healing.  Reflexology also increases energy, so you won’t feel quite so lethargic and run down.


So Reflexology can tackle all the main symptoms of a cold or flu virus, meaning that you’ll feel better faster and have the energy to carry on with life.  Better than that, it tackles the reasons behind the symptoms so that you’ll actually heal faster from the inside out.


It is a very gentle and nurturing treatment so if you’re feeling grim, just being pampered could help - you’ll leave feeling relaxed and supported, hopefully breathing more easily, in less pain and with maybe with higher energy levels.  Why not give Reflexology a try the next time you have a cold and find out if it could help you recover quicker without the need for painkillers and expectorants.


To find out more about Barefoot Reflexology and to book an appointment, go to



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