The effects of stress at work

We’ve all felt stress at work, whether it be meeting a deadline, difficulty in prioritising jobs, too much paperwork or just having to be in too many places at the same time.  At some time or other, we’re all going to be affected by it and it’s all too easy to ignore, but it affects our performance (which of course makes matters worse) and starts affecting our homes lives too.

Stress has been cited as having a negative effect on over a third of the working population.  It is thought that up to 75% of an illness is stress related.  


So how can stress affect us in the workplace? 

·      It costs business a lot of money

  • It reduces performance in physical tasks
  • It increases time-off caused by illness
  • It increases tiredness and irritability
  • It has a negative effect on decision making, planning and creativity 
  • It lowers our immune system, which of course, leads to the development of physical illness

Luckily, more and more enlightened businesses are offering their employees the opportunity to receive Reflexology treatments in the work place.  Employers are beginning to realise that the benefits of regular Reflexology treatments not only help to reduce stress and tension, but they can also speed recovery from a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses and to maintain good health - that’s got to be good for business hasn’t it?


How can Reflexology help employees and benefit employers?

That’s easy - it leads to a happier, healthier workforce that has less time off and it saves businesses money:

  • It promotes increased satisfaction, loyalty and increased morale
  • Staff have quicker recovery times and return to work more quickly after illness, surgery or accident - less sickness and absenteeism
  • There is enhanced resistance to infection and diseases
  • There is an increase in productivity, improved creativity, planning and decision making
  • It can result in enhanced concentration, accuracy and efficiency
  • Staff find it easier to work and cope more effectively under pressure


Reflexology is very flexible and fits well into the wider stress-management programme that employers are currently probably using - it complements conventional medicine beautifully!









If you are an employer and want to find out more, please get in touch.


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