“While you are alive collect moments not things, earn respect not money and enjoy love not luxuries.” – Aarti Khurana
I LOVE this quote and here are 4 reasons why I think it’s true:
Experiences help us learn about ourselves
If you’ve ever taken a trip on your own or walked along a nature trail before, it will have given you time to reflect and become self-aware.  Experiences allow us to learn about what we like and what we don’t like. They teach us how to face and even conquer our fears.  Experiences can test us at times, and show us what we are capable of accomplishing.  Hiking up to the top of a mountain, for example, can test your endurance.  Rock climbing or bungee jumping may help you conquer a fear of heights. 
Moments allows us to bond with others
They’re about creating social connections with others, and being closer to other people tends to make us happier.
Memories of Moments are precious
Experiences tend to be brief, but the memories from these moments can last a lifetime.  I’m sure we all still talk about and fondly remember holidays, gatherings with friends or concerts we’ve been to in the past.
Moments are a part of your identity - who you really are
Having a material item doesn’t contribute to who you are as much as your experiences do. Experiences are the sum of your identity.
Whether you’ve learned how to speak another language, ran a marathon, climbed a mountain, or helped someone in need — those moments add to your identity in a way that cannot be matched by a material item.
It’s also very important to remember that taking time to connect with yourself is part of the way you can nurture your spirit and achieve balance in your busy life - whether it’s taking time to read a good book, going for a walk or having some relaxing therapy, such as Reflexology or a massage.
If you’d like to try some Reflexology and find out it’s many benefits, then please get in touch.



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