Are You in Need of Some Healing?

No matter where you are in your healing journey, there is always something you can do that will help you to feel better. Have you thought of Reflexology? 

It is an holistic therapy that is incredibly relaxing, pain-relieving and stress-busting - a powerful technique that is based on the theory that there are reflex areas on the feet that correspond to specific organs and other parts of the body.  According to reflexology theory, every part of our body has a correlating point on the feet.
- the toes reflect the head, brain, sinuses, ears and eyes; 
- the heart, chest and throat are reflected around the ball of the foot; 
- the liver, pancreas, stomach, kidneys and intestines are represented in the middle of the bottom of your foot; 
- the spine corresponds with points along the arch of the foot; 
- the pelvis and hips are represented in the heel. 
And the incredible thing is that while it’s your feet that are being worked, the effects are felt throughout the whole body.
Reflexology can help you to sleep better.  It relieves stress and anxiety, tension headaches, arthritis, hormone imbalances, digestive issues, and sleep problems. It promotes relaxation, improves circulation and nerve conduction, reduces pain and encourages overall healing.
If you’d like to help your own journey to healing and would like to experience the power of reflexology, please do get in touch - text or through my website.


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