Healing is not Linear - Your Healing Journey

"Healing is not linear" 
This is one of the truest statements I know. 
Reflexology is great in supporting your healing process.  When healing is received, there is not one part of you that is not loved or nurtured, because energy will ripple and cause positive changes throughout your entire being.
But it’s important to understand that healing takes time and works with us on many different levels throughout every aspect of our lives.
Some of us may be going through what is sometimes called a HEALING CRISIS, a period of time where we get a sort of wakeup call that things need to change, we ourselves need to grow, learn and move forward.  I prefer to call this a SELF-HEALING PROCESS, but basically it means that we have layers on and that means that we are forever learning to go deeper, to work, grow and love from this place and to heal from within.
We may often find that in healing stages, where we will go for therapy, some issues that may seem resolved may crop up again for us later in life and this is totally normal. We all react differently to healing and will accept and reject the energies exchanged at some points in our life. It depends on the person and how ready they are to move on and heal. Sometimes the lessons are not learned and we need to go back to look at it again.
So, don’t be down on yourselves because your healing journey isn’t happening fast enough because in truth you are moving further ahead and being more and more aware of what you need to move towards a better you. You are recognising that things may not always be a simple quick fix and that you deserve another chance at releasing, letting go, healing and moving on.  Although healing is not linear, you are promised growth, development, change and above all love.
Wishing you love, light and healing in whatever form it wishes to meet you.


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